Batalla de Ancara: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Xián (conversa | contribucións)
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Non se coñece o volume exacto dos exércitos en conflito. Cando Tamerlán invadiu Asia Menor, as súas forzas estaban formadas só por xinetes, o que lle permitía moverse velozmente polo seo do Imperio Otomán, destruíndo as súas defensas gradualmente. Máis tarde, antes e durante a batalla algúns dos aliados e vasalos de Bayezid se uniron a Tamerlán. Aínda que algúns historiadores do século XIX dan forzas de ata case un millón de homes, os historiadores contemporáneos reducen sensiblemente esa cifra, enn ''Armies of the Ottoman Turks, 1300&ndash;1774'', [[David Nicolle]] afirma que "estímase o tamaño dos dous exército en 140.000 na banda de Tamerllán e 85.000 na de Bayezid I.<ref>David Nicolle (1983) ''Armies of the Ottoman Turks, 1300&ndash;1774''. London: Osprey Publishing, p. 29</ref> O historiador do Medievo [[J. B. Bury]] estableceu que as dúas forzas eran de igual tamaño, co exército de Bayezid composto fundamentalmente de infanteria e 5 ou 10.000 cabaleiros serbios liderados polo déspota [[Stefan Lazarević]]<ref name="Bury">{{cite book|last=Bury|first=J. B.|authorlink=J. B. Bury|others=Tanner, J. R., Previté-Orton, C. W., Brooke, Z. N. (eds.)|title=The Cambridge Medieval History|publisher=[[Cambridge University Press]]|location=Cambridge|year=1923|volume=vol. 4|page=562}}</ref>. De Albania [[Gjon Kastrioti]], xunto con outros vasalos otománs de Albania ([[Koja Zaharia]], [[Dhimiter Jonima]] e probablemente [[Tanush Dukagjini]]), dirixiu persoalmente as súas [[hoste|hostes]] que participaron do lado otomán.<ref>The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest Author John Van Antwerp Fine Edition reprint, illustrated Publisher University of Michigan Press, 1994 ISBN 0-472-08260-4, 9780472082605 p. 422 </ref>
==TheA battlebatalla==
[[Image:Chlebowski-Bajazyt w niewoli.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Painting by [[Stanisław Chlebowski]], ''Sultan Bayezid imprisoned by Timur'', 1878, depicting the capture of [[Bayezid I|Bayezid]] by Timur.]]
A batalla comeza cun ataque das forzas de Tamerlán sobre os otománs<ref>Mustafa Cezar, Midhat Sertoğlu et al. ''Mufassal Osmanlı Tarihi''. İskit Yayınevi. (1957), p. 198</ref>, que estaban exhaustos logo que as tropas de Tamerlán se fixeran co control das fontes de auga <ref>Colin Imber ''The Ottoman Empire 1300-1650. The Structure of Power''. Palgrave Macmillan (2002), p. 18</ref> pero conseguiron facerlle fronte e contratacaron, peroasí e todo o cambio de bando dos [[qaraei]] levou ao colapso ao franco esquerdo do exército otomán, que se viu prendido entre dous fogos battle began with a large-scale attack from the Ottomans, countered by swarms of arrows from the Timurid horse [[archers]]. Several thousands were killed and many surrendered to Timur. During the battle the main water supply of both armies, [[Çubuk Creek]], was diverted to an off-stream reservoir near the town of [[Çubuk]] by Timur, which left the Ottoman army with no water. The final battle took place at Catal hill, dominating the Çubuk valley. The Ottoman army, both thirsty and tired, was defeated, though Bayezid managed to escape to the nearby mountains with a few hundred horsemen. However, Timur had the mountains surrounded and, heavily outnumbering Bayezid, soon captured him. Despite being heavily outnumbered, the [[Ottoman army]] was further weakened by the desertion of the [[Qaraei|Tatars]] and the [[Sipahis]] from the [[Anatolian beyliks]], who left Bayezid alone and joined Timur's forces.