Dextrina: Diferenzas entre revisións

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== Outros tipos de dextrinas==
[[Ficheiro:AlphaCyclodextrin structure.png|thumb|right|Ciclodextrina.]]
* [[Maltodextrina]]. É un carbohidrato de cadea curta derivado do amidón xelatinoso usado como [[aditivo alimentario]]. Tamén se orixina por [[hidrólise]] encimática do amidón xelatinizado e atópase xeralmente como un po higroscópico de cor crema. A maltodextrina pode dixerirse facilmente, orixinando glicosa, que se absorbe rapidamente, e pode ser moderadamente doce ou pode non ter apenas sabor.
* Maltodextrin
Maltodextrin is a shortchain [[starch]] sugar, gelatin hybrid base, (dextrin) used as a [[food additive]]. It is produced also by enzymatic hydrolysis from gelatinated starch and is usually found as a creamy-[[white]] [[hygroscopic]] spraydried powder. Maltodextrin is easily digestible, being absorbed as rapidly as [[glucose]], and might either be moderately [[sweet]] or have hardly any flavor at all.
* [[Ciclodextrina]]. As dextrinas cíclicas coñécense como ciclodextrinas. Fórmanse pola degradación encimática do amidón realizada por certas [[bacteria]]s, por exemplo, ''[[Bacillus macerans]]''. As ciclodextrinas teñen estruturas toroidais formadas por de 6 a 8 residuos de [[glicosa]].
* Cyclodextrin
The cyclical dextrins are known as cyclodextrins. They are formed by [[enzymatic]] degradation of starch by certain [[bacteria]], for example, ''[[Bacillus macerans]]''. Cyclodextrins have toroidal structures formed by 6-8 [[glucose]] residues.
* [[Amilodextrina]]. É unha dextrina liñal ou unha curta cadea de [[amilosa]] de 20 a 30 residuos, que pode producirse por hidrólise encimática dos enlaces glicosídicos alfa-1,6 ou por desramificación da [[amilopectina]]. Tinguida con ioduros dá unha cor azul.
* Amylodextrin is a linear dextrin or short chained [[amylose]] ([[degree of polymerization|DP]] 20-30) that can be produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of the alpha-1,6 glycosidic bonds or debranching amylopectin. Amylodextrin colors blue with iodine.
* [[Dextrina límite]] (beta). A '''dextrina límite''' é o polímero que queda cando se produce a hidrólise encimática con beta [[amilase]]s da [[amilopectina]]. Este encima non pode romper os enlaces alfa-1,6, polo que detén a hidrólise ao chegar aos puntos de ramificación, deixando o resto, a dextrina límite, sen degradar.
*(Beta) Limit dextrin is the remaining polymer produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of amylopectine with beta [[amylase]], which cannot hydrolyse the alpha-1,6 bonds at branch points.
* (Alpha) Limit dextrin is a short chained branched amylopectine remain, produced by hydrolysis of amylopectine with alpha amylase.
* Highly branched cyclic dextrin is a dextrin produced from enzymatic breaking pf the amylopectin in clusters and using branching enzyme to form large cyclic chains.<ref>T. Hiroki, K. Iwao, T. Noboru,S. Yuji, Y. Mikio, Journal: Seibutsu Kogakkaishi, Vol:84; No:2; Page: 61-66 (2006), Industrial Production of Branching Enzyme and Its Application to Production of Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin (Cluster Dextrin)[]</ref>
* [[Dextrina límite]] (alfa). É o resto que queda cando a amilopectina é atacada con alfa [[amilase]]s.
* HighlyDextrina branchedcíclica cyclicmoi dextrinramificada. isÉ aunha dextrindextrina producedproducida frompola enzymaticdegradación breakingencimática pfda theamilopectina amylopectinen ingrupos clusterse andusando usingencimas branchingramificadores enzymepara toformar formgrandes largemoléculas cyclic chainscíclicas.<ref>T. Hiroki, K. Iwao, T. Noboru,S. Yuji, Y. Mikio, Journal: Seibutsu Kogakkaishi, Vol:84; No:2; Page: 61-66 (2006), Industrial Production of Branching Enzyme and Its Application to Production of Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin (Cluster Dextrin)[]</ref>