Melanosoma: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Os '''melanosomas''' son [[orgánulo]]s celulwares que conteñen o pigmento [[melanina]], o pigmento que absorbe luz máis común no reino animal.
In a [[Cell (biology)|biological cell]], a '''melanosome''' is an [[organelle]] containing [[melanin]], the most common light-absorbing pigment found in the animal kingdom.
A melanina sintetízase nunhas células chamadas [[melanocito]]s e tamén nas células do epitelio pigmentario da retina. Se a célula simplemente fagocita e incorpora a melanina (pero non a sintetiza) recibe o nome de melanófago.
Cells that synthesize melanins are called [[melanocyte]]s, and also the retinal pigment epithelium cells, whereas cells that have merely engulfed the melanosomes are called melanophages.
Os melanosomas son orgánulos rodeados de membrana e, en xeral, teñen forma redonda, de salsicha ou de cigarro. A forma é constante nunha determinada especie e tipo celular.
Melanosomes are bound by a lipid membrane and are, in general, rounded, sausage-like, or cigar-like in shape.
The shape is constant for a given species and cell type.
TheyTeñen have a characteristicunha [[ultrastructureultrastructura]] oncaracterística en [[electronmicroscopía microscopyelectrónica]], which variesque accordingvaría tode theacordo maturitycoa ofmadurez thedo melanosomemelanosoma, ande, for research purposes, a numeric staging system is sometimes used.
==SynthesisSíntese ofda melaninmelanina==
Unha serie de encimas celulares, o principal dos cales é a [[tirosinase]], encárganse da síntese dos longos polímeros que se coñecen xenericamente como [[melanina]].
They are dependent for their pigment on a set of enzymes within the cell (especially [[tyrosinase]]) that synthesise the large polymers generically known as [[melanin]].
Antes de que o melanosoma conteña moita cantidade de pigmento (suficiente para poder verse con [[microscopio óptico]]), recibe o nome de pre-melanosoma.
Before it contains much pigment (sufficient to be seen on [[light microscopy]]), it is known as a pre-melanosome.
Os defectos ou a ausencia dos encimas que sintetizan a melanina orixinan diversos tipos de [[albinismo]].
Dysfunction or absence of the melanin-synthesising enzymes leads to various patterns of [[albinism]].
==Formación de pseudópodos e cesión de melanosomas==
Nalgúns melanocitos os melanosomas permanecen estáticos dentro da célula. Noutros tipos de melanocitos, polo contrario, a célula pode expandirse formando [[pseudópodo]]s, que levan melanosomas, e que os afastan así do centro da célula, incrementando deste modo a efectividade na absorción de luz.
In some melanocytes, the melanosomes remain static within the cell. In other types of melanocyte, the cell can extend its surface as long [[pseudopodia]], carrying melanosomes away from the center of the cell and increasing the cell's effectiveness in absorbing light.
Esta formación de pseudópodos sucede lentamente nos melanocitos dérmicos en resposta á [[luz ultravioleta]], á vez que se incrementa a produción de novos melanosomas e aumenta a 'doación' de melanosomas aos [[queratinocito]]s adxacentes (as células comúns da superficie da pel). Esta cesión de melanosomas ten lugar porque algúns queratinocitos poden fagocitar o extremo dos pseudópodos dos melanocitos, os cales conteñen moitos melanosomas. A [[dineína]] [[citoplasma|citoplásmica]] é a encargada de levar as vesículas cargadas de melanina ao centro do queratinocito, dispoñéndoos arredor do seu núcleo, proporcionando así unha óptima protección contra os raios ultravioleta.
This happens slowly in dermal melanocytes in response to [[ultraviolet light]], as well as production of new melanosomes and increased 'donation' of melanosomes to adjacent [[keratinocytes]], the normal skin surface cells. This donation comes about because some keratinocytes may engulf the end of the melanocyte pseudopodia, which contain many melanosomes. Cytoplasmic [[dynein]] will carry the vesicles containing the melanin to the center of the cell. This causes melanosomes to become sequestered around the keratinocyte's nucleus, providing optimal protection from UV rays.
Todo este conxunto de cambios na concentración de melanosomas nos queratinocitos é o responsable de que nos poñamos morenos despois de expoñer a pel aos raios ultravioleta ou á luz do sol.
These changes, together, are responsible for ''tanning'' after exposure to UV or sunlight.
==InNos animalsanimais==
InEn manymoitas speciesespecies ofde [[fishpeixes]], [[amphibiansanfibios]], [[crustaceanscrustáceos]], ande [[reptilesréptiles]], melanosomesos canmelanosomas bepoden highlyter mobilemoita withinmobilidade thedentro cellda incélula responseen toresposta ao control hormonal (orou sometimesás neural)veces controlnervioso), ande isto thisproduce leadsrápidos tocambios visiblede changescor inque colourson thatutilizados arecomo usedun forsinal [[behavioural signaling]].
Melanosomes found in certain fish species contain [[pigments]] that control the color of the fish's [[Scale (zoology)|scales]]. [[Molecular motors]], when signaled, will either carry [[melanosomes]] containing pigments out to the periphery of the cell, or concentrate them at the center. The motors responsible for concentrating the [[melanosomes]] at the center are [[dynein]], which move the melanosomes along [[microtubule]] tracts towards the minus end (i.e. the center of the cell). The motors responsible for dispersing the melanosomes to the periphery are [[kinesin]], which are plus end directed motors. Since the plus end of [[microtubules]] are oriented towards the periphery, [[kinesin]] will carry melanosomes to the periphery. Dispersion of melanosomes to the periphery causes the cell to appear darker. Concentration of melanosomes towards the center will cause the cell to appear lighter color. This is how a protective system works for the fish on a molecular level.