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Manudosde (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 33:
Nun borrador non utilizado, Tolkien afirmaba que os [[Calaquendi]], como [[Glorfindel]], podían usar o poder de invisibilidade dun Anel para elixir mostrarse completamente no mundo físico ou no mundo invisíbel, no canto de existir nos dous ao mesmo tempo.
===TheOs NineNove===
Os Nove Aneis facían que os [[Home (Terra Media)|Homes]] que os levaban se tornasen invisíbeis. Tamén prolongaban a vida dos seus posuidores, aínda que ao cabo isto provocou que os Homes se convertesen en [[Nazgûl|espectros]] totalmente dominados por Sauron. Gandalf afirma que os Nove podían ver a Frodo no Vao porque este, que estaba "comezando a esvaecerse" tras ser ferido polo puñal de Morgul, estaba parcialmente no seu mundo; isto dá a entender que "esvaecerse" e tornarse invisíbel mentres se leva posto un Anel de Poder significa existir no mundo do oculto (Gandalf menciona que os Elfos existen en ambos os mundos ao mesmo tempo). [[Gandalf]] insinúa que todos os Grandes Aneis terían os mesmos efectos sobre os Homes, mais Tolkien escribiu que isto non era certo no caso dos Tres e que non se deron casos de Homes que levasen posto un dos Tres.
The Nine Rings caused [[Man (Middle-earth)|Men]] wearing them to become invisible. They also extended the lifespans of Men who possessed them, although this eventually led to the Men becoming [[Nazgûl|wraith]]s under Sauron's complete control. Gandalf states that the Nine could see Frodo at the Ford because Frodo, who was "beginning to fade" after being struck by the Morgul knife, was partially in their realm; this implies that to "fade" and to become invisible while wearing a Ring of Power is to exist in the realm of the unseen (Gandalf mentions that elves exist in both realms simultaneously). It is implied by [[Gandalf]] that all the Great Rings would have the same effects on Men, but Tolkien wrote that this was untrue of the Three and there are no instances of a Man bearing one of the Three.
TheOs wraithsespectros of thedos MenHomes whoque receivedrecibiron theos NineNove wereeran theos [[Nazgûl]], theou Ringwraiths,Espectros Sauron'sdo mostAnel, fearedos servants.serventes Nonemáis aretemidos mentionedde specificallySauron. inN' ''TheO Lordseñor ofdos The Ringsaneis'' exceptnon se menciona concretamente a ningún agás ao theirseu leaderlíder, theo [[Witch-kingRei ofBruxo de Angmar]]. HisO second-in-commandseu issegundo namedao inmando aparece nombrado en ''[[Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth|Unfinished Tales]]'' ascomo [[Khamûl]], the Blacko [[EasterlingHome do Oeste]] Negro. WhatO isque knownsi isse thatcoñece threeé ofque thetres ninedos Ringwraithsnove wereEspectros originallydo Anel foran nun principio 'greatgrandes lordsseñores' ofde [[Númenor]] ina themediados midda SecondSegunda AgeIdade.{{Citation needed|date=October 2010}}
TheOs Nazgûl survivedsobreviviron thea fallcaída ofde Sauron atá thefin endda ofSegunda theIdade. SecondO Age.Rei Bruxo Thedirixiu Witch-kingas orchestratedaccións warfarebélicas fromdesde theo kingdomreino ofde [[Angmar]] againstcontra theos successorreinos kingdomssucesores ofde [[Arnor]], eventuallye destroyingrematou allpor threedestruír andos diminishingtres thee strengthreducir ofo thepoder dos [[Dúnedain]] inno the NorthNorte.<ref>''TheO Lordseñor of thedos Ringsaneis'', AppendixApéndice A (iii): "The North-kingdom and the Dúnedain".</ref> Disque Latermáis tarde, Sauron wasreuniu saidos toNove have gathered the Nine to himselfconsigo, butmais thisisto couldpode beinterpretarse construedcomo asque meaningos thatmantivo heao keptseu thealcance, Nazgûlno closecanto atde hand,físicamente rathertendo thanos physicallynove havinganeis the nine rings aten [[Barad-dûr]] withcos theaneis remainingananos Dwarf-ringsrestantes.
===The Seven===<!-- This section is linked from [[Dragon (Middle-earth)]] -->