Deda: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Liña 1:
{{CaixaAnatomía |
Nome = Dedas |
Liña 6 ⟶ 5:
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Image = Toes.jpg |
Lenda = Dedas do [[pé]]. TheO innermostdedo toemáis íntimo (bottom-leftna inimaxe imageá esquerda), whiché iso normally called the big toe,dedo isgordo theou ''[[hallux]]''. |
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Liña 18 ⟶ 17:
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As '''dedas''' ou '''dedos do pé''' son cada unha das cinco prolongacións nas que acaba o pé do ser humano e dos simios.
'''Toes''' are the [[Digit (anatomy)|digit]]s of the [[foot]] of a [[tetrapod]]. [[Animal]] species such as [[cat]]s that walk on their toes are described as being ''[[digitigrade]]''. [[Human]]s, and other animals that walk on the soles of their feet, are described as being ''[[plantigrade]]''; ''[[unguligrade]]'' animals are those that walk on [[hoof|hooves]] at the tips of their toes.
The toes are, from [[medial]] to [[lateral]]:
*[[Hallux]] (big toe)
*Index toe
*Middle toe
*Fourth toe
*[[Fifth toe|Little toe]] (Colloquially known as the ''pinky toe'' or the ''baby toe'' in the [[United States]])<ref>[ Physical Rehabilitation Medicine - The Pinky Toe]</ref>.
As dedas son cinco:
==Toe anatomy and physiology==
*[[Hallux]] (dedo gordo do pé ou deda)
[[File:Gray269.png|thumb|Bones of the right [[foot]]. [[Plantar]] surface.]]
*Dedo índice
The human foot consists of numerous bones and soft tissues which support the weight of the [[bipedalism|upright human]].
*Dedo medio
*Dedo cuarto
*Dedo pequeno ou dedo quinto
==Anatomía e fisioloxía das dedas==
[[File:Gray269.png|thumb|BonesÓsos ofdo the right [[foot]]dereito. Superficie [[Plantarplantar]] surface.]]
<references />
O pé humano presenta numerosos ósos e tecidos brandos que soportan o peso do corpo.
==Véxase tamén==
===Outros artigos===
*[[Phalanges of the foot]]
*[[Finger]], for the [[hand]] digits
*[[Morton's toe]]
*[[Nail (anatomy)]]
*[[Polydactyly]] and [[Syndactyly]]
*[[Runner's toe]]
*[[Toe cleavage]]
*[[Toe tag]]
*[[Webbed toes]]
===Ligazóns externas===