Mega Drive: Diferenzas entre revisións

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=== A Mega Jet e a Genesis Nomad ===
A tecnoloxía orixinal detrás da '''Genesis Nomad''' tracesbaséase back to thena '''Mega Jet''', whichque wasera auna versión semi-portable version ofportátil theda Mega Drive thatque was used for in-flight entertainment bydispoñía [[Japan Airlines]] para o entretenemento durante os voos. TheAo deviceaparato lackedfaltáballe itsunha ownpantalla screen,propia butpero couldse playpodían empregar cartuchos da Mega Drive cartridgescando whense hooked up toencaixaban a smallun monitor usedpequeno onque Japantiñan Airlinesos flights.voos da TheJapan unitAirlines. featuredA aunidade directionaldispoñía paddun onmando thedireccional leftá sideesquerda ande sixseis buttonsbotóns oná the rightdereita, similarsemellante toó thedeseño layoutdo of acontrolador gamedo controllerxogo.
Unha versión para o consumidor da Mega Jet foi posta á venda por Sega Xapón o [[10 de marzo]] de [[1994]] co prezo de 123 dólares. Era esencialmente a mesma unidade que se empregaba nos voos JAL, o que significaba que carecía de pantalla e non podía ser acendida cun adaptador AC. Non se fixeron máis extras ou avances. Sega puxo en práctica en outubro de [[1995]] a Genesis Nomad para o mercado norteamericano, esencialmente a Mega Jet cunha pantalla de cristal (LCD) de 3.25 pulgadas, unha batería suxeita a parte traseira do sistema portando seis pilas AA facéndoa compretamente portátil e non sendo simplemente un sistema Genesis pequeno. Ademáis dos outros avances da Mega Jet, añadiuse un conector A/V na parte superior permitindo ós usuarios xogar nunha pantalla de televisión cun cable A/V diferente. Unha característica interesante era a habilidade de que un xogador podía usa-la pantalla do televisor mentres o outro podía velo na do Nomad. O mando direccional na unidade controlaba tódolos xogos dun xogador e un porto na parte baixa permitía a un segundo conector ser enchufado para dous. Isto significaba que a Nomad podía ser tanto un sistema compreto para a casa coma un sistema portátil cunha librería xa existente dos xogos dispoñibles.
A consumer version of Mega Jet was released by Sega of Japan on March 10, 1994 at the cost of $123 [[United States Dollar|USD]]. It was essentially the same as the unit that was used on JAL flights, meaning that it still lacked a screen and couldn't be powered on with an AC adapter, other thA tecnoloan the addition a mono DIN plug cord and the neccesary AC adapter. No other additions or improvements were made. Sega followed it up in October 1995 with the Genesis Nomad for the American market, essentially a Mega Jet featuring a 3.25 inch color LCD screen, a battery pack attached to the rear of the system, holding six AA batteries, making it completely portable, as opposed to simply being a small Genesis system. In addition to its other improvements over the Mega Jet, an A/V output plug was added to the top of the unit, allowing owners to play games on a television screen with a separate A/V cable. One particularly interesting feature was the ability for one player to play using a connected TV while another watched on the Nomad. The directional pad on the unit controlled all one-player games, and a port on the bottom allowed a second controller to be plugged in for two-player games. This meant that the Nomad could be a fully functional home system as well as a completely portable handheld solution with a pre-existing library of games available for it.
WhileMentres thea Nomad wongañou praisepuntos forde itscara screena resolutionresolución andde features,pantalla theree wereextras someaínda problems.quedaban algúns Theproblemas. A 32X ande a Sega CD werenon noteran compatiblecompatibles withcoa theunidade unit,e anda Sega's Power Base Converter, usedempregada topara playxogar os Sega Master System games on thena Genesis/Mega Drive, wasera alsotamén incompatible. OnNo paperpapel, thea Nomad wasera thea perfectmellor colorportátil portable.en cuestións Itde hadcores. aTiña fullcor colorcompreto, backlitluz display,traseira e andaturaba supportedó anredor estimatedde 600 titlestítulos alreadyna onsúa thebiblioteca shelvesademáis inde additionser toun beingsistema afuncional functionalpara homeo systemfogar. Aínda Butque despiteo theprezo pricedescendera falling fromde $179 toa $79.99, renderingas mootqueixas anyvertidas complaintssobre ofo overpricing,excesivo do mesmo fixeron que theeste handheldportátil didnon notgañase garnerapoio enoughde supportabondo topara continuecontinuar.
=== Pioneer LaserActive with Genesis/Mega Drive module ===
''Main article: [[Laseractive|LaserActive]]''
'''LaserActive''' was the name given to [[Pioneer]]'s CLD-A100 [[LaserDisc]] player. The player was both a Laserdisc and CD player right out of the box, while the addition of add-on modules manufactured by Sega and [[NEC]] could make the unit function as a gaming system as well. Sega's PAC-S1 module, released at a price of 39,000 [[Yen]], allowed users to play Mega Drive, Mega-CD and specially created Mega LD games through the player. The Mega LD games were breifly thought to be the next evolution in gaming, mainly because the massive storage capacity of the Laserdiscs they were printed on meant that games could be multiple times large than before and include uncompressed full-motion video and digital audio as well as surround sound, all features that have become commonplace on modern DVD-ROM based systems.