Conversa:Ocupación de Grecia polo Eixo



Traduciendo da wiki inglesa, revisión do 7 de agosoto de 2008 --  Norrin_strange (Fala-me) 14:14, 17 agosto 2008 (UTC)

0 Introduction and tables   Feito!
1 Fall of Greece   Feito!
2 The Triple Occupation
2.1 The German occupation zone   Feito!
2.1.1 Economic exploitation and the Great Famine   Feito!
2.1.2 Nazi atrocities   Feito!
2.2 The Italian occupation zone
2.3 The Bulgarian occupation zone   Feito!
3 Collaboration
4 Resistance
5 Liberation and aftermath
6 The Holocaust in Greece
7 Influence in post-war culture
8 Notable personalities of the occupation
9 References
10 Sources

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